A year ago today (a Monday), around 9:30am, I googled “how to start a blog.” By dinner time the same day, The Paleo Running Momma officially existed on the internet with same theme and picture you see in front of you now.
To say I had zero clue what in the hell I was doing would be the understatement of the past year. At the time, I only read 2 blogs on a semi-regular basis (one paleo and one running) and my tech skills were limited to what I was instructed to do according to the top Google search results. I knew nothing about anything related to blogging.
What I DID know was that I had been through a lot over the prior 6 months, and I was 3 weeks away from running THE Boston Marathon. Emotions were intense, my brain was all over the place, and it was the first day of my taper which meant that I was basically having a nervous breakdown.
I decided to put all this mad energy into something I knew nothing about – a blog. Besides, my son had started going to school 3 days a week for 3 hours a day, which meant, relatively, that I was a free woman and needed something to do.
The past year has been one of tremendous personal growth for me and I owe most of it to the process of blogging. There is no way I would have stared myself figuratively (and literally, with selfies) in the face on a daily basis while at the same time opening myself up to feedback, and, reading about the experiences of my peers.
Blogging humbles and empowers me at the same time. It forces me to get over myself while at the same time respecting my feelings and perspective. I’m one of many but I am still one and only. I look at other people differently now, realizing and responding sensitively to what inevitably goes on below the surface. Reading so many blogs is a constant reminder that everyone has a unique story and perspective, but yet we SHARE so much more that we often realize.
To be completely honest, I started blogging thinking I knew things and felt things that no one else did. Or that I was the first person to think of a topic. That sounds stupid and naive and it really was! I didn’t have a lot of running friends and didn’t talk about issues like overtraining and compulsive behavior, taper madness, or racing tips. I didn’t have paleo friends either and figured that tips for eating socially, paleo carbs, and more paleo carbs was all new and big info.
If you look back in my archives, you’ll certainly find that I “chilled out” with my topics and my blog became less formal and more fluid and friendly over the year. In the first 6 months, I definitely wrote a lot of list-type posts that I look back on now and see them as a bit too preachy. Some of the stand out ones were:
Stop Craving Sugar for Good – 5 Way to Get there Fast
12 Healthy Practices that Aren’t Healthy at All
Paleo on a Budget – 10 Tips that Passed My Test
What is Clean Eating and How Can it Help You
Though a couple of these generated quite a big of traffic for my blog early on, I think I took that as a sign to do MORE similar posts, which wasn’t really sustainable or interesting for my blog as a whole.
In the first few months, I had yet to really understand that while blogging is communication, it is not lecture. The “listening” part is just as important as the talking part, in my opinion, and a more conversational tone for my blog is something I strive for.
Of course, in the beginning months of blogging, it’s hard not to feel like you’re “talking” to thin air or nothing at all, and even after I’d developed a community, I didn’t totally feel connected to it in a flowing, conversational way. It wasn’t until the second six months or so that I started to FEEL the relationships I’d developed with readers and other bloggers, and I began to respond differently as reflected in my posts.
I think that to be “good” at blogging, you really have to swallow your pride and break through your ego. It’s the real you that’s under there, that people want to get to know and read more of. I now read some of my early posts and cringe, it seems some of them were reflecting a tough exterior, or fragile ego, that over the course of the year I have been slowly chipping away at while becoming gradually more vulnerable both online and in real life. I started blogging thinking I had a ton of info to share, but I’m coming out of the first year realizing I really did learn a lot more than I “taught.”
A few of my favorite posts
Running and Anxiety Part II – This is something I began to understand a lot more about over the course of the year, and writing all three parts of this series was a great experience.
A Run Love Kind of Day – Nothing all that special, but my first time really expressing my love for running to the world. I always thought this was obnoxious and now I don’t know what my problem was 🙂
Me and My Friend “The Runner” – Reminds me how far I’ve come with my identity and how running fits in.
My IBS Story Part 1 and Part 2 – This was one of the most difficult posts to write, because of the shame I’d felt around these mysterious digestive problems my whole life. For all those who might question, this stuff can be very real and very painful.
My Other Obsessions – Running and Paleo might actually be the least of it!
The Things You Can’t Run From – Dealing with my daughters’ scoliosis.
Why Running a Marathon and Childbirth Are The Same Thing – They just totally are.
And a few of my favorite recipes! (Sorry my older pictures are not-good.)
Crispy Soft Sweet Plantains – I make these multiple times per week for everyone in my family!
Homemade Plantain Chips – These too!
Bacon Scallion Chicken Salad – The best!
Homemade Mayo – I make this about once per week as a base for other sauces.
Gooey Brownie Pie – My non-paleo family loved this!
Chewy Cranberry Chocolate Chip Cookies
Okay I guess I’ll stop now, there are just too many that I make over and over that have become staples 🙂
At this point I do not have any real set goals for blogging in the coming year. I am at a happy place with it right now and want to continue everything that I’m doing. There are so many ways I normally put pressure on myself, and with my blog I’m just going to go wherever it takes me. So far the ride has surprised me so much, that I don’t want to screw it up by trying to control it!
So to end, happy birthday to The Paleo Running Momma, and, since my website can’t actually eat cake, I (and you guys too!) will definitely have piece of something seriously delicious to celebrate!
When did you start reading my blog?
What’s one thing you like about it and one thing you think I could change? (I won’t bite)
Hollie says
Wow I had no idea you had only been blogging for a year. That is awesome and you have truly been through a lot. Here is to many more blogs to come!
Michele says
Thanks Hollie! Your blog was one of the first I started reading and was/is very inspiring 🙂
Jeorge H Waters says
Cool blog! Very inspiring. Unfortunately, now I don’t have the opportunity to play sports, let alone run, but I always imagine how I put on my favorite sneakers, turn on my headphones with cool music and start running. By the way, now there is a lot of great music for running, on YouTube you can find whole ready-made playlists that are easy to convert to an mp3 file using the Tubidy platform. There is a step-by-step guide on the site, but in general I doubt that anyone will have problems.
John says
You both are doing a great job, I am following both of you. It’s very inspire me to cook so many dishes. Thank you and lot’s of love.
The Cookie ChRUNicles says
Happy Blog Birthday/Anniversary! I think you should celebrate with that brownie pie 🙂
Michele says
Thanks! I think I’m making cupcakes. I said it once and now my kids are all over it 🙂
Skinny Fitalicious says
You’re so right about the humbling of blogging. I felt the exact same when I started. My injury really broke that down in me and I poured my feelings into posts. It was then that I realized my readers wanted to see that side of me. I think you’re awesome and love reading your blog. Happy blogversary and cheers to many more!
Michele says
Funny how we had a similar experience! I feel the same about you and your blog, amazing how we can make these connections through blogging!
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SuzLyfe says
Happy Blogiversary! It’s so funny that you googled starting a blog and went from there. I started blogging after being a part of the world for quite some time, lol. I think that you have learned and grown extremely quickly, but I don’t think we should have expected anything less from you!
Michele says
Yup, impulsive by nature I guess 🙂 Probably better that I didn’t know what I was getting into until I was in it! And thank you, that is too kind!!
Lisa @ Running Out Of Wine says
I am pretty sure I started reading your blog right after you started it! I remember you getting ready for Boston and then reading your recap. I read blogs for years before starting my own…which I think definitely influenced me at first because I tried to pull things from all of my favorite blogs. Eventually I found what was more comfortable to me and and figured out a way to make it more of my own. I think its very wise to not make any blogging goals/put pressure on yourself about it. I think we generally put alot of pressure on ourselves with blogging just in the day to to day of getting it all done. Happy Blogiversary!!
Michele says
I found you right away and blog-stalked you when I realized we were doing the RRCA course together! Clearly it was meant to be 🙂 I love reading your posts every morning and find myself relating all the time.
There really is so much pressure to just get it done on a daily basis with blogging, that’s enough of a goal.
cottercrunch says
blogging is always changing and we are always learning. You are doing great! thanks for keepin it real with us friend. we love ya!
Michele says
Thank you! Glad I found you early on, you definitely taught me a lot 🙂
emjoseph94 says
I for one am very glad you started this blog a year ago! You always have insightful and thought-provoking posts, which I love. My earlier posts were definitely more “preachy” and (hopefully) I’ve evolved to make them more personal, because you can’t “preach” on something you have no emotional connection to. Happy blogiversary!
Michele says
It’s funny how we have that instinct to preach at first, maybe we’re worried we don’t have enough to offer otherwise? I’m glad I got over that because blogging feels really natural now. And thank you so much! You are way too kind 🙂
Lesq says
Happy Birthday to my “true” blog friend Michele. Don’t even remember how I found your blog, but your blog and YOU have been instrumental in my life both intellectually and physically. Life is rewarding when what we do helps people in their lives. I thank you for all your help. Have a great day celebrating your accomplishment.
Michele says
So glad to hear this Leslie, makes me so happy to feel like I can help people out 🙂 Thank you!
Gretchen | Gretchruns says
Congratulations on one year! I honestly thought you’ve been around for much longer than that because you’ve grown such a big audience and seem so well-established! Way to go 🙂
I started reading right around when I started my blog about a month ago. I’m so glad that I did, especially since we have so much in common (Penn State and music!)
I love how you do personal posts as well as informational posts. I would be interested to see your training plans or your goals. I’m not sure if these are posts you already do since I’m a newer reader, but I would love to read about yours! Also, I would love some beginner tips for yoga, or tips on how to do it at home. I can never get motivated to do an at-home practice like I am in a studio!
Michele says
Thank you! I’m just starting to figure out my running goals for the rest of this year, and when I figure some of it out I will be sure to post on it! I posted all about my training leading up to Philly in Nov and plan to do the same as I train for NYC this summer. I did a post on home yoga practices I like, but I will follow that up with something like you’re saying, regarding time/motivation to practice at home.
Appreciate the feedback and ideas very much 🙂
Jillie says
Happy Blog-aversary! I started reading your blog since I have transitioned to a paleo/primal diet and wanted to hear from other runners that have adapted that diet as well. You pretty much only hear from the Crossfitters, so hearing your perspective on how you’re able to train for such long distance runs and still eat a paleo diet is really intriguing to me! I especially love your post about carbs. And you’re a Penn Stater/lived in State College. I’m originally from State College and went to Penn State as well 🙂
Michele says
Very cool! I haven’t been back to visit Penn State at all since college, which is just not acceptable! I miss the town and need to plan a trip. As I begin marathon training again this summer I’m sure I’ll go on and on about carbs again 🙂
Strength and Sunshine says
HAPPY 1 YEAR!!!!!!!!!!! Woooooo! Keep on keepin’ on with this fabulous blog my dear friend! Even when it gets hard, never stop!
Michele says
Thanks! Definitely has it’s challenges but the rewards make it well worth it 🙂
amberbusyboldblessed says
Congrats 🙂
Michele says
Thank you!
Lauren @ The Bikini Experiment says
Happy One Year! That’s so exciting. It is funny that you mention being less formal and more conversational in your posts. I thought you always wrote that way! You are right that blogging is humbling and rewarding at the same time.
Michele says
Thank you! I think I “tried” to write that way early on but it didn’t come naturally until months had passed, which makes sense since I started to feel like I had people I was talking to!
danielle says
Happy happy happiest of blogaverseries!!!! i’m so grateful that i stumbled across your blog those few months ago. i had actually stopped reading any blogs that were deemed ‘paleo’ or that adhered to any particular food rules because i had a major bout with obsessing and it got a bit messy, and my e.d. history was making me nervous about reading anything too preachy like i had been – BUT your blog totally changed my perception within the first couple of posts. i realized your blog is not one that judges and your views are actually really awesome, and you encourage people to lean gently into things rather than yell at people for eating whatever. plus your blog is more than just food, it’s also your journey in running, mommyhood, life, etc. it’s been really inspiring reading your posts and sharing this journey with you. congrats to you and i’m so happy you’ve come into the blogosphere!
Michele says
Thanks Danielle!! That really means a lot to me, can’t express that enough, but what you’ve taken from my blog is exactly what I wanted to give, if that makes sense! I agree some of the paleo blogs can be preachy, and I’m glad I didn’t try to take that direction, at least not for long! Info is one thing but judgement doesn’t help anyone.
suzysuzyheather says
Happy One Year! I started reading your blog about a month or two ago and I thought you had been blogging for years already! Good job!
Michele says
Thank you!!
tara says
i cant believe you’ve only been blogging for a year ! i thought it was much longer (i hope that comes across as the compliment i mean it to be). i think i’ve been reading for maybe 4-5 months or so. i love your blog. i think its a great mix of thoughts and facts and i love that you post frequently and i feel like you are telling your story and not being pushy like we should do this cuz you do….overall i love your blog. happy anniversary !
Michele says
Haha, thanks Tara! I will definitely take that as a compliment! I’m also glad to hear my blog doesn’t have a pushy or judgemental feel, which really would not jive with what I hope to put out 🙂
Chris says
Happy Anniversary! This was a great reflective post Michele. “Blogging humbles and empowers me at the same time.” Loved this, because that’s exactly how I feel! At times I’m like… who wants or cares about me/my life/what I have to say and the flip side is wow I have a voice and a platform and people will listen. It’s crazy! Gotta love the community and I’ve enjoyed being along for most of your time here! Looking forward to the next year.
Michele says
I can so relate to that feeling! There are definitely days I sit down to write and wonder who gives a crap about any of this 🙂 I get over that pretty quickly because I actually entertain myself through writing and that’s enough for me on some days. The community aspect of blogging was a big surprise but really the best, definitely glad we connected!
Jade says
Happy 1 year blog birthday! I found you about 4 months ago after reading something you wrote on Marks daily apple. I absolutely love your sense of humour, and the pics of your family are so often just hilarious! Keep doing what you’re doing, I look forward to your posts everyday!!
Michele says
Thank you 🙂 Really appreciate that feedback, especially about the family pictures because I’m never sure if those are of any interest! Also really glad you get my humor, sometimes I’m just not sure!
silviaci says
Happy B-day, I love your blog!
Michele says
Thank you!!
Sue @ This Mama Runs For Cupcakes says
Happy Blogiversary!! You are doing a great job! Keep up the great work!!
Michele says
Thanks so much, appreciate it 🙂
Amanda @ .running with spoons. says
Happy Blogiversary, Michele! And here’s to many, many more good years 😀 I totally know what you mean about starting a blog writing nothing but serious posts and lightening up as you go along. That’s exactly what happened to me with Spoons, and while I still enjoy the occasional heavier post, for the most part I prefer to keep things light and fun.
Michele says
I think it’s so natural to feel that pressure in the beginning when the waters are being tested. Glad I found you early on!
Aaron Olson says
Nice work, happy to have found your site!
Michele says
Thank you!! Paleo runners have to connect 🙂
Arman @ thebigmansworld says
Happy Blog Birthday buddy! It’s been so informative both the paleo side and the more personal side too- Except I won’t forgive you for cursing me with a broken oven. I even had several readers email asking if Australia had ovens since haha!
Michele says
Thank you! And very sorry about the oven problems. Of course those of us who are constantly baking wind up dealing with a bum oven! Mine is doing better but not perfect, it’s still shutting off but I can sort of hit it in a certain way to get it to turn back on. Not really ideal though 🙂
Lindsey C says
I love your blog!!!! I think I found you right after you started, because I remember being shocked when I found out how “young” it was 😉 I love how open and honest you are, and I LOVE your sense of humor (I’m a bit twisted & sarcastic myself, so you speak my language).
The one and ONLY suggestion I would have for your blog is the “comments” section. In order to see if you (or anyone else), responds to my comment, I have to check the “notify me of new comments” box… however, that means that I will often end up with 15-20 new emails in my inbox, because I will see EVERY comment (and you’re getting pretty dang popular now, so there are lots). The best comment format I’ve seen is Hungry Runner Girl – you are only notified of comments responding to your own comment.
Keep your humor and recipes coming!! I’m excited to see what you’ve got in store for your second year 😉
Michele says
Oh I didn’t realize that about the comments! I always thought people were being emailed, I have to fix this so thanks for letting me know!
Glad you found me and appreciate the humor I put out, that always feels good to hear 🙂
Meghan@CleanEatsFastFeets says
Happy Blog Birthday and congratulations on the milestone.
I think those first few months of blogging are all about finding your voice. I know mine certainly were and I think it sometimes take preachy or cringe worthy posts to get there. I’ve got those too. 🙂
At the end of the day, blogging success (for me anyway) is hinged on being vulnerable and opening yourself to the community. I’ve seen that in several of your posts which I really enjoyed.
Michele says
Thank you! Completely agree about those first few months, I can’t imagine you writing cringy and preachy posts but maybe I have to dig around 😉 I love reading your blog (one of the only ones I jump to read when new posts pop up!) and your voice shines through so well.
Meghan@CleanEatsFastFeets says
What a lovely compliment. Thank you. That means a lot to me.
Also, I saw the comment above mine and if it helps, I use this plugin to notify people of responses: “Comment Reply Notification.” Works great.
Michele says
Literally just installed that before responding to your comment, so thanks 🙂 and of course!
emilyrockstheroad says
Wow, it’s only been a year? I feel like I’ve been following (okay, lurking) you forever. I think I found you from a comment on MDA, but honestly I can’t remember. I’m sure my first comment holds the mystery 🙂
Happy Bloggy Birthday!
Michele says
You have definitely been with me a long time, since the beginning I think and I’m glad to hear you’re still enjoying the blog!
Nicole@TheGirlWhoRanEverywhere says
It’s amazing how fast a year goes by! Happy anniversary, Paleo Running Momma! I don’t remember when I started reading your blog…I’m thinking it was shortly post Boston last year? That’s my theory!
You’re had a great year of thought provoking posts, here’s to another great year!
renaissancerunnergirl says
Happy first anniversary! Reading through this, I already realize I’m having some of the same feelings just four months in to starting my blog. I don’t think the feeling of reading your past work and having all the things you’d wish you could change jump out at you really ever leaves you, but hopefully over time the good parts outshine the bad even in retrospect. Especially in retrospect!
Michele says
Thanks! I think it’s typical to have these feelings as we get the hang of blogging, and also as we grow and learn! I’m really grateful for all I’ve learned thus far, I know you will be too 🙂
enticinghealthyeating says
Happy Blogiversary to ya! I’ve enjoyed getting to know you more and especially the paleo lifestyle. I really liked finding more recipes using plantains especially because I like plantains! I just don’t eat them enough!
Michele says
Thanks! And plantains are the best! I just ate some sweet ones with my breakfast, delish 🙂
Meghan says
Congrats on your one year anniversary! I just started my blog about a month ago and I loved this post! I can really relate to how you started yours. I’m without a clue and I’m enjoying what it’s providing me: a way to get all these thoughts out of my head and to keep track of the progress I’m making towards my goals!
Michele says
Congrats on starting! I still feel pretty clueless in a lot of ways and like I have a ton to learn/consider with blogging. One step at a time! Happy to hear you can relate 🙂
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