Whether you have a question, comment, or are interested in working together – I love hearing from you! Send me a message with what’s on your mind! If you wish to collaborate, a detailed media kit is available upon request.
The best way to contact me is to email me at the following address:
paleorunningmomma @ gmail . com
Thanks for getting in touch and we’ll be speaking very soon!
Paleo Running Momma
I love your blog and can’t get enough info on fitness subjects. I’d love to talk if you ever get time to chat.
Hi, great to hear from you! If you use the contact form you can email me directly with questions and I’d be happy to answer 🙂
I have issues with shin splints but it’s not all the time and it doesn’t seem to matter where I run or how much because when I get them it doesn’t seem related to anything. I also have issues where I get hungry all the time no matter how much protein I tend to eat. I’m 5 foot 100 lbs and built similar to you I think. My husband is twice my size and I think I may eat more. 🙂 Any suggestions?
The shin splits could mean you’re running in shoes that aren’t supporting your gait properly, or that you’re just running too many miles or too for what your body can handle at this point. As for the hunger, do you eat enough fat and carbs along with the protein? I find that a good mix of all three, and especially fat and carbs helps keep me feeling my best.
Hi, I want to try make the pie and not sure if I can get the tapioca flour where I live. What could I use instead?
Please advise
Many thanks
I have also used arrowroot powder to sub for tapioca and it works similarly. You can also order on amazon – here is the link: http://amzn.to/2aSmkoP
Hello everyone, I often read your stuff and actively participate in this conversation. Check out this page as well https://schrottleitfaden.de/
I love the Layered Chocolate Coconut Fudge {Paleo & Vegan}. I have to be gluten free, dairy free and sugar free. Is the maple syrup for sweetening or binding in the recipe? My diet is staring to look like an altered paleo sliding down to boiled bark and baked rocks. The hunt for tasty recipes that fit my criteria are few and far between.
The maple syrup helps to sweeten for sure but it also binds. I think you’ll find many recipes for desserts on my site that you’ll love and can also be pretty easily modified for less/more sweetener and types of sweeteners used.
Hi Michelle
I am very interested in running a marathon! I have done a half and have just started following a training plan to run a Marathon. The only problem is that when the plan finishes there isn’t actually any marathons and the next marathon in my hometown isn’t till a month after!
Any recommendations on what to do? I really don’t want to abandon this plan
Thanks Sonia
I would love to work with you to develop a plan that fits your timing! I think the only problem with following the current plan is too avoid peaking too soon because you then risk the chance of overtraining. Your base building should really continue longer prior to your peak weeks, but we can certainly figure something out based on your current training plan. I can email you with more details if interested, just respond to this comment. Thanks!
Hello Paleorunningmomma.
I’d like to chat with you about See How You Eat app.
When would you have a moment?
SHYE founder,
Hi, great blog. I suffer IBS and try strict to FODMAPs when i can although its hard while being a student! I am also quite a seriosu runner, One question I have is if you eat during running long distances? At the moment I am too scared to take anything on board just in case but as I am nearly running for 2 hours, i think I really should be. I also find it hard to take food on straight after long runs, i usually wait and let me body settle before eating. Look forward to hearing from you!
Eating before, during, and after long runs is really tough when IBS is involved and I still experiment with different things. Sometimes I find something that works for a while and then suddenly doesn’t and it can be really frustrating! Lately I’ve been running only easy pace which seems to give me more leeway for what I can eat. I run very early and usually have half a banana (or a small one) prior and then bring along pieces of a larabar to nibble on throughout the run. Any source of very concentrated sugar tends to bother me. I’ve tried Clif organic energy food which was pretty good but still concentrated, I’ve also found that a safe bet is using squeezable baby food pouches of sweet potatoes and bananas! I’d say that is probably the safest option for me, although it’s less fuel overall. I’ve also just brought along bananas in a plastic bag, although this isn’t the neatest of options! Starting slow and staying away from highly concentrated sugar should be a good start.
I don’t have tapioca flour do I need it ? What else can I use
Which recipe are you referring to? This comment came up on the “contact me” page – happy to help!
Do you answer questions about blogging as your income source and being a mom? Your blog is the closest I have found that follows my philosophies and I really appreciate how open you are to everyone. I am currently a teacher, which I enjoy, but find it so draining that I have little energy for my family-and they are my priority! I have many stress-related health issues now that were never present previously.
Any information is appreciated-even just a “no, I don’t provide information”!
Thank you so much for all of your amazing guidance and advice.
I’d be happy to answer specific questions if you have! Hopefully I can answer them! I will say that the blog takes up a lot of time and energy, and during the past year and a half while I worked to transition it into a job, there were times when it was quite stressful. That said, you can email me at paleorunningmomma @ gmail . com with anything you want to know specifically and I’d be happy to help.
Hi! I love your blog and recipes! I am starting to eat more paleo but I think (know) I am not eating enough carbohydrates for me. What do you eat for carbs and how often? Thank you!
Hi Michele! I recently started the Whole 30 plan and really excited to find you recipes, they look delicious!! I question about your egg cssserole recipe that calls for a yeast extract, which I can’t find as an acceptable ingredient? You had mentioned it being for “cheesy” flavor, so could I omit it?
It’s nutritional yeast and totally Whole30 compliant – http://whole30.com/2013/06/the-official-can-i-have-guide-to-the-whole30/ – this is an alphabetical guide of many common questions and so nice to reference while on Whole30! That said, the casserole is still great without it!
Hello. I just found your blog. I like what I see so far. Also, you look very familiar to me. Are you from Charlotte, NC, by any chance?
Hi Michele,
I love your Pumpkin Chocolate chip cookie recipe but wonder if I can use cassava flour instead of almond flour. Please let me know,. Thanks
I’m not sure the amount would work the same but it’s worth a shot, let me know how it turns out if you try it 🙂
Ok, I will let you know if I try it. Thanks
I haven’t tried it but I think it would be fine – you might need a bit more though? I’m not sure of the exact amount.
Hi. I have quite a few favorite recipes on your blog! I was wanting to ask you about an easier way to search on your blog. At least in the mobile version, I don’t see a search bar. For instance, today I wanted to compare the stuffed baked potatoes. It would have been nice to just search “potatoes.” Thanks for your yummy recipes!
As of right now on the mobile site, you have to navigate through the menu options under “recipes” where I have my recipes categorized in a drop-down menu if you tap the “+” next to recipes. To compare the potatoes you can click lunch/dinner or whole30 and see them, although not side by side. For the search bar you have to be on a laptop to desktop. Hope this helps a bit!
Hello, you put a note about the Paleo-whole 30-vegan spinach artichoke stuffed twice baked potatoes being dairy free. Did you not use the ghee? Ghee is made from butter and butter is a dairy product. Not sure if you were aware of that? I’m sure they could be made without the ghee and probably taste fine. Since you are Paleo, you probably use butter so it would be fine for that but would have to be modified to fit a plant bases way of eating.
I do believe I noted that you can use ghee to be Whole30 compliant (ghee is allowed on Whole30 while butter is not) but butter flavored coconut oil to be completely vegan.
Hi Michele,
Just wondering if I could swap another flour for the coconut flour as I too follow a low FODMAP diet and coconut flour is considered high for sorbitol. For example could I used almond flour in your pumpkin pancake recipe?
Hi Michele!
I just wanted to thank you for creating such a wonderful blog. I can relate to your story almost exactly and I have really struggled making the transition to completely grain free, mainly because I have felt deprived and like I can’t eat like a “normal person” and still enjoy treats and yummy foods without paying the price. I love that you have kid friendly, easy recipes that mimic “normal” and taste amazing!! I am excited to use your site on a regular basis for my cooking inspiration and to finally make the complete switch to unprocessed, grain free. I was wondering if you have ever thought of posing weekly meal plans? Possibly what you use to plan your meals for your family? I would LOVE to see that as I have 3 children as well and it is always a challenge to plan meals for us all to enjoy.
Thanks again!
Thrilled you’ve been enjoying the recipes! Meal plans are a great idea, I’m not sure if I’ll get to the point of doing them soon since it’s a lot of planning and work (I’m terrible at planning my own meals and often wing it!) but it’s something I’ll consider for the future/next year 🙂 I do have a Whole30 meal plan in conjunction with 2 other bloggers combining our recipes to get through the month, here it is: https://www.paleorunningmomma.com/30-days-whole30-recipes/
Also, I did many “WIAW” posts early in blogging where you see everything I ate in a day. So many of these in the archives! You can search “WIAW” or go to archives from 2015 to get tons of these posts. Hope this is helpful! Thanks for visiting and so glad you’re enjoying the site!
I found your blog reading a review on Pro-Nourish (a low FODMAP drink) as I too have been surfing the web trying to figure out a solution to my pains and experiences with IBS. Your story let me know that there is hope and I’m not alone. I have been a physically active person my whole life and have recently joined a bicycling group in an attempt to find a way to stay fit as I age (LOL, I’m 45). My question for you is with the Paleo diet, when you began using it did you have to have to still avoid the foods that you know gave you serer gas or upset stomach? what is the best approach to starting the Paleo diet?
Hi Tia! I’m glad you found some comfort in my story, I will say that paleo has helped quite a bit, however it’s not a complete “cure all” if that makes sense – I still have issues if I stray even a little bit into the foods that bother me. Back when I started paleo, I decided to just do it 100% – even eating foods I thought would no doubt bother me, just to see what would happen. Trust me, at that point I had nothing to lose, I was feeling pretty terrible. I started with a Whole30 right off the bat which meant no added sugar, which in hindsight I’m sure helped me a lot.
That first month I noticed a big improvement, BUT once I tried low FODMAP + paleo, my digestion really became “normal” which is something I never experienced. The thing is, even one meal out and a little bit of sliding is “noticeable”, but overall, a big improvement over the past 4 years. One thing to note is that the longer I ate paleo, the more normal things seemed to become. I’m honestly not sure if this was because of “gut healing” or what, but the time committed to paleo seemed to pay off.
I will note a couple of other findings. I used to think all fat irritated my digestion, I now know that most really doesn’t, BUT the oils used in restaurants 100% make me feel badly. Another point, it seems that too much of ANY type of sugar will give me symptoms, even if it’s low FODMAP, paleo, etc.
I hope you give paleo a shot and find it works for you, if you do, I highly recommend giving it the full 30 days, and making sure you eat enough fat and carbs to keep you full, nourished, and not experiencing too many cravings. Feel free to reach out with questions, good luck!
I just wanted to say thank you! I found out that I have Celiac Disease and I’ve always had a dairy allergy. Finding your website has meant the world to me! I love your recipes and share similar tastes in food. It’s nice to see there are so many recipes to choose from! You have made my life a whole lot easier. 🙂
I’m beyond thrilled to hear that! So happy you’re loving the recipes, easier is always a good thing and I’m happy to help!
I made the triple chocolate paleo sweet potato brownies saturday night. I didn’t have the coconut sugar but subbed in a little truvia and they turned out great. actually my husband was wondering what i was doing with the sweet potatoes so after i added them to the melted chocolate and almond butter(before adding the eggs) he and i tasted. he was amazed and we probably could have just eaten that without finishing the recipe, lol.
I’m trying Paleo for health and because i have a friend at work who cant enjoy when we have parties, etc because everyone forgets she’s gluten free…I’m a nurse and i brought some to work today. Everyone, including my residents and my attending want your recipe. They are a hit.
That’s incredible! I’m so happy you all liked them, yay! Good to know that sub works out too 🙂
I’m new to the Paleo/Whole30 game and I LOVE your site! The hardest part for me was that I really like sweets and breakfast breads/muffins. I was elated to find all your yummy recipes! Thank you for sharing!
So happy you’ve been enjoying the recipes, yay!
Hi Michele,
I recently came across your blog…so happy I did, but wished I had sooner. I will be running my second marathon next month and I would say I eat relatively healthy. I’ve decided to clean up my diet of unnecessary sugars and processed /packaged foods and try Paleo for the first time for last month of my training and hopefully continue the healthy habits moving forward. My concern is the amount of carbs and protein I should be eating at this point. I was wondering if you had any input or even a sample menu that you would recommend? Thank so much!!
I am new to this and am wondering how long we can store flours, nuts, spices, etc. Is there a special way to store them? (containers) Is there anything should be refrigerated? I am planning on making your apple cinnamon breakfast bake and was wondering about ingredients. I didn’t find the bottle of almond milk you showed. It was all cartons. Thanks
I like to store as much as possible in the fridge, definitely my nuts, but not my flours since I buy them in bulk and don’t have the fridge space! I keep my spices in a cabinet too. As for almond milk, you can use any unsweetened almond milk, Silk is fine too.
Hi Michele my name is Patty and I was wondering,can I use the 21 day fix containers for this ? My husband is having the sleeve surgery next year and he’s eating healthier now. I just want to be keeping the portion size to a minimum. He’s also going to try quitting smoking on the 27th as well. I’m really happy for him.
Thank you so much and have a great day ! ?
Hi Michele, I’m interested in your sweet potato savory muffins, without using oil. Is that possible? I can sub out the eggs with fkax/water. I just started on the Forks over Knives, whole food, plant based lifestyle.
Thank you. The ideas on your site are terrific!
I love this site. I’m 61 and have been recently diagnosis’d with an autoimmune disorder. My Physician recommended this diet. I’ve been trying to do it without help, support or recipes! A friend suggest I look at your blog. Thank-you so much. With your help I’ve lost 20 lbs. Off several medication. But most importantly, I feel awesome. Pain free, sleeping well. Thank-you so much.
I’m so thrilled to hear that!! Hearing that my recipes can help people feel better is just about the best thing ever – thanks for reaching out to let me know 🙂
Hi Michele,
I love the site.I’m always playing around with different recipes, because that’s the guy to eating healthy in the long run, and your site is a gold mine. I run a pretty large fitness podcast and would love to have you on for about 30 minutes to talk about your journey. This is all done through Skype. Can we set this up? Please email me.
Good morning Michele,
I have just begun the Whole30 journey. After watching you make your own mayonnaise on Instagram, i immediately prepared the products I needed to make my own. Now I am on my second batch with no positive results. I resorted back to the whole30 book and made some corrections like making sure my all products were room temperature. Little apprehensive to try again as I don’t want to keep wasting my olive oil. You made it look so easy with your emulsion blender. Any tips before I try again?
Thank you,
Hi, are you using an immersion blender and if so, are you also using a narrow enough container? A bowl won’t work for this since the blender needs a narrow container to help the ingredients emulsify properly. You also need to make sure it’s all the way down before turning it on. let me know if any of this helps!
Hi again. I first used an immersion blender then tried my vitamix. With the Vitamix, the mayo looked like it was thickening at first. I poured my oil in slowly but maybe not slowly enough. Would the speed matter on the Vitamix? I did increase the speed and perhaps that made it liquify. With the immersion blender, I thought I used the same container that you used. Wish I could view again…
Thank you for wasting my time trying to find an “unsubscribe” option. Apparently you don’t have one or it’s well hidden on your site. I no longer want the daily recipes. PLEASE STOP THEM AND ADD AN UNSUBSCRIBE OPTION OR HAVE IT EASILY ASSES ABLE.. This light gray color is also a pain. Is this intentional as well. It can barely be seen on your bright white background.
The unsubscribe was right in the email itself.
Your recipes are delicious! I have Celiac disease and IBS and it’s hard to find easy, delicious recipes that I can tolerate. I just made the chicken, spinach and caramelized onion patties and they are fantastic! My favorite so far is the Chorizo Bacon Sweet Potato chili. That is sooo good and even better as leftovers. Thank you for your hard work and creativity. It is very much appreciated!!
So happy you’re enjoying everything! Love getting messages like this, thanks for letting me know 🙂
Ideas on how to sub eggs out of your recipes (allergy)…? Your desserts… Im particularly wondering about the lemon custard (but general question as well…)
Thank you so much:-)
I made the lemon crumb cake twice. Both cakes were wet. My family loved it anyway, but I can’t figure out what could be going on. Altitude? I’m in Colorado.
I love your recipes regardless, they’re easy to follow and always great tasting.
Hi – might be the almond flour you’re using? Not sure – I’d add maybe 1/4 cup almond flour to see if that makes a difference.
Hello Michele,
My name is Nathan Hoffman and I’m the Partnerships-Manager at FindMediaPartners.com
We would like to advertise some of our clients on your blog.
Can you please let me know what types of Advertising options you offer ?
Thanks in advance for the Details !
Nathan Hoffman
Partnerships Manager
Great site you have here! Very organized, recipes w calorie counts and awesome pictures. Thanks for you work to help others live healthy.
Hi there,
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Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards,
Alex Guillen
Lead Marketing Specialist
Funnel Ignition
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Do you offer advertising space/article placement on paleorunningmomma.com?
If so, how much would it cost for an article placement with a link to a games website in the article?
Steve Marks
Hi! I made your breakfast casserole and froze it before baking as you suggested. Should I thats it first and then bake it or put it right into the oven from the freezer? And what temp for how long? Thanks!
Thaw it not “that’s it” silly autocorrect!
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OK, I used to be Instagram-famous, too.
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And here comes another message. It is from one of your many fans asking about your life, and giving you daps on your twelve official month of going to the gym.
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hello, I wonder if you could make a post about the sudden recipe of your kitchen. I have always want to create a recipe like that for dinner which have no plan at all
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Hello. I hope you are well. I just wanted to tell you how much I LOVE your site. I am doing this clean eating type diet and came across your site bc it’s similar to paleo. I swear I couldn’t be any more happier and impressed….the product I am using to help has certain recipes but they are limited. I can use most of your recipes with moderate modifications and my life is so complete lol. My fav I have tried so far is the bacon cheeseburger stuffed peppers..except i have to sub with turkey bacon since I can’t eat pork.
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hello, If you could, I’d love to read a post on your kitchen’s impromptu recipe. For dinner, I’ve always wanted to develop a meal similar to that but with no set plan.
Thanks for the article.
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Hi there,
I’m Jess, and I’ll be quick with this. I found Paleorunningmomma while searching for prospects for one of my projects.
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