This chocolate chip cookie dough fudge was destined to be a favorite!  An eggless cookie dough is mixed with a dairy free candy base and chocolate chips, then chilled, to create a delicious and creamy fudge with rich nutty caramel  flavor!  Completely paleo and vegan, gluten and grain free with no soy, dairy, or eggs.
Oops, did it again! Â Totally made another treat recipe and, for this one (or any other, what am I saying?!) no apology necessary, because, cookie dough fudge is good stuff, and oh don’t we know it. Â And this one is paleo, vegan, dairy free, with no refined sugar and simple wholesome ingredients.
It’s possible that I was inspired by my new Pinterest obsession and all the fabulously drool-worthy grain free treats I’ve been pinning. Â Not going to deny that possibility, at all.
The other possibility that definitely did inspire me was my 4 year old, Drew, asking me to make him fudge – every – single – day – since the last time I made it for the 4th of July. I would pick him up from camp and within 5 minutes he’d ask me if I made him fudge.  When I told him “no, sorry sweetie” he made it perfectly clear to me that my lack of fudge making was, once again, unacceptable.
“How many times you need to hear it, momma?  Make the $%^& fudge!” is what would say in his sassy 4 year old way. “I told you to make the fudge!  And you didn’t!? UGH!” To a 4 year old, this lack of fudge making is strange grown-up behavior that makes zero sense.
One day the children of food bloggers will unite, and boy will that be an interesting meeting.
 Anyway, I wanted to make something a little bit different than my layered chocolate nut butter deal that’s been a thing lately.  It will be back for sure, but for now I wanted something new.  Something that combines two of my old favorites all rolled into one easy paleo recipe.
Once I had the idea in mind, I had to do my research to make sure I wasn’t about to embark on something completely stupid.
I loved this idea for Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Fudge from Buns In My Oven, and if any of you non-paleo folks want to try that one out, please me know how it goes! Â For the rest of us, I decided to take the idea and spin it to make it both paleo, vegan, grain free, and refined sugar free.
Sure, totally simple, right?  Wrong.  Paleo and Vegan chocolate chip cookie dough fudge is a tall order – it’s not just a matter of subbing ingredients and I was scared I’d waste a bunch of yummy things like nut butter and coconut oil. Fortunately, determination and stubbornness won the gold on Tuesday morning, so don’t you worry.  I can now share this gooey, rich, decadent dessert with all of you and feel 100% confident that you will love it.  If Drew approves, (which he happily did) we all approve 🙂
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Fudge {Paleo & Vegan}
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Fudge - Paleo & Vegan
Part I - Cookie Dough Mix
- 3 tbsp coconut oil
- 3/4 cup smooth almond butter or other nut butter
- 1/4 cup coconut sugar
- 1 tbsp full fat canned coconut milk thick part
- 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
- pinch salt
- 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp blanched almond flour
- 1/2 cup Enjoy Life chocolate chips - or preferred brand
Part II - Candy Base
- 1/4 cup coconut oil
- 1/4 cup coconut sugar
- 2 tbsp full fat canned coconut milk thick part
- 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
First, make the cookie dough mix.
In a large bowl, combine the coconut oil, nut butter, coconut sugar, coconut milk, vanilla, salt, and last, the almond flour. Mix well until smooth and creamy and set aside.
Second, make the liquid candy base.
In a small saucepan over very low heat, melt the coconut oil and mix well with the coconut sugar and coconut milk, stirring continuously, being careful that the sugar doesn't burn. When bubbles just begin to form, remove from heat and stir in the vanilla, let cool a bit.
While the candy mixture cools, line an 8 x 8 inch baking dish with parchment paper.
Stir the candy base again if it separated and slowly add to the cookie dough mixture until fully incorporated and smooth.
Lastly, stir in the chocolate chips.
Using a rubber spatula, transfer the entire mixture to the parchment lined baking dish and spread out evenly. Cover with plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator for 2+ hours or in the freezer for at least an hour, until firm.
Cut into squares and enjoy! Keep leftovers chilled.
It’s Friday guys, make this fudge!
What two treats would you combine to make the ultimate dessert?
Lisa @ Running Out Of Wine says
This looks amazing!! Definitely pinning it. Have a great weekend!
Michele says
Thanks Lisa, you too!
The Cookie ChRUNicles says
Yum! My son pushes me to bake sometimes too. I go through such phases though where I am baking all the time so it’s fine with me and then there are times where he pushes and I am just so not in the mood!
Michele says
Oh yes, we have the same thing! My kids expect me to make some sort of baked good or dessert every Tuesday, and if I don’t, I’m in trouble 🙂
Happy Fit Mama (@happyfitmama) says
You had me at cookie dough. I’m all in!
Michele says
Cookie dough gets me every time too 🙂
Meghan@CleanEatsFastFeets says
I’m a fan of anything cookie dough and anything fudge so count me in.
Michele says
There’s really nothing not to love here 🙂
Skinny Fitalicious says
Haha the children of food bloggers unite! Love that! And this fudge sounds amazing! I need to try this.
Michele says
Definitely make it and put it in the freezer, or share it, quickly!
Vjatsheslav @ ManOnScale says
How do you make the printable recipe in such a table/box thingy? Is that some sort of a plugin for WordPress? If so, which one is it and is it free?
Michele says
It’s easy recipe plugin and it’s great, there’s a free version with an option to pay for more features.
Vjatsheslav @ ManOnScale says
Found it, thanks for the reply!
Take care!
Michele says
Of course 🙂
SuzLyfe says
A) That face. TOO MUCH
B) I am now going to dream of this at night. I thank you for my very sweet dreams 😀
Michele says
I would say he makes that face at least half of the day 🙂 Have a great weekend!
Kate Bennett says
He’s so cute. I love listening to children talk, they say the craziest things. This fudge looks awesome, the texture of fudge is unlike any other dessert!
Michele says
Drew talks non stop and it’s always funny 🙂 I totally agree about fudge texture, can’t beat it.
Jamie says
I think this might finally satisfy my sweet tooth! : ) Have a fabulous weekend!!
Michele says
Definitely worked for me, and then some! Enjoy the weekend 🙂
renaissancerunnergirl says
This looks delicious…and at least, you never need to worry about eating a whole batch by yourself – your kids will always beat you to it!
Michele says
Between Adam and my kids, there’s never enough! I made two batches of this within 3 days 🙂
Strength and Sunshine says
This is why I can sit back and be the savory (non-dessert) food blogger that I am 😉 You’ve got me covered! This looks soooo yummy <3
I used to LOVE this wonderful Fudge (Douglass something or other) that was on the boardwalk down in Wildwood. We would always get a few bars before we went home after the week. It was so good. My favorite was just plain chocolate and chocolate marshmallow!
Michele says
Boardwalk fudge is the best, so many great memories of getting fudge at the beach!
athleticavocado says
you just created the best two things ever in one! Amazing recipe 🙂
Michele says
Thank you!
danielle saucy smith says
wowzers this looks insanely amazing!!!! i can’t think of anything better than this, lol. ok if you twist my arm right now, i would say i love pumpkin pie filling but in a little muffin cup, with nut/date base. i guess that’s just a pumpkin cheesecake mini size but whatever i’m not totally creative right now. and of course no dairy, i much prefer it all with coconut milk! mmmm
have a fabulous friday, Michele!
Michele says
Love pumpkin pie, and my crust was really similar to what you’re describing! Single servings would be great though 🙂 Coconut milk is such perfect ingredient for so many treats!
FragJamsey says
This looks HEAVENLY! Also, I followed you on Pinterest because I’m addicted as well.. 😉
Michele says
Thank you! It’s way more fun that I gave it credit for 😉
Sam @ PancakeWarriors says
Ok who knew that these simple ingredients would make such an awesome looking fudge. And your little is adorable, how could you say no to that face!!
Michele says
It’s incredible what really simple ingredients can create! And thanks, he’s definitely a cutie but a very bossy one 🙂
ilkasblog says
This does look very awesome. I love your son’s face. My 4 year old does the same thing! They can be so demanding. You are left with almost no negotiation power. So funny! 🙂
Michele says
Definitely the age for that but I have a feeling it’s also his personality! And being the youngest, he tends to get what he wants.
Amanda @ .running with spoons. says
Uhm… brilliant?! Chcolate chip cookie dough and fudge sound like my idea of perfection. And I was super hard on my mom when I was younger when it came to making my favourite treats all.the.time. I think she got annoyed with me because she eventually taught me how to do it myself, and yeah… that was the end of that.
Michele says
Haha thanks! And I’m just counting down until I can teach Diana to cook. It’s been requested that I make overnight french toast tonight since I won’t get home from my long run until 8am and that’s too late to start making breakfast!
sprint2thetable says
Good lawd this looks good! I don’t know why I don’t use coconut milk more.
Two things I’d combine… not sure but it would involve chocolate and peanut butter!
Michele says
Thanks! And pb and chocolate is the combo that never fails!
Ann says
The title on its own sounds dreamy! And the photos aren’t too shabby either 🙂 I like cheesecake a lot (the German version), and fudgy chocolate cake…so a bowls of these would be awesome! Not sure if the flavours would combine so well though, rather tart cheesecake with rich chocolate!? Oh and a strawberry on top 😀
Michele says
I love cheesecake as well but never chocolate cheesecake, so I agree 🙂 And thank you!
Lisa @ Lisa the Vegetarian says
That fudge looks pretty delicious. I’ll have to give it a try!
Michele says
Definitely hope you do!
cottercrunch says
i like your spin on this!! means you can eat more, right? LOL! I’m a cookie dough lover so yes, sign me up mama! haha
Michele says
Oh, you will love this!
Heather@hungryforbalance says
This looks amazing!!
Michele says
runningwitherasers says
It looks so yummy as usual! Definitely trying this!
Michele says
You won’t want to miss, it’s definitely a good one!
Arman @ thebigmansworld says
This looks so good, Michele- it puts my lame-o paleo fudge to shame haha. I love how you used a base too- I’m going to fight Drew for the next batch!
Michele says
Nothing you’ve made is lame-o so that’s ridiculous! I’m currently chilling some mocha almond fudge right now, hoping it’s another winner 🙂